Professional Novel Editing for Independent Authors
Hello Hello!
My name is Melyn (like Melinda but no ‘duh’)
I was born in Alaska, raised in Las Vegas, and now I call myself a proud Seattle local. I’m living my Pacific Northwest aspiring novelist’s dream.
Since I was in my single digits era, I've adored writing (fiction most of all).
Being able to tell a story in such a way that a stranger on the other end can feel absolutely devastated at the loss of a character, or whoop and cheer for a monumental plot moment is such an inspiration to me. It truly will never get old.
With a professional background rooted in the instruction of reading comprehension and writing at the collegiate level, I stand ready to assist you in extracting the utmost potential from your writing endeavors. Currently, I specialize in critical feedback of fiction work, including but not limited to fantasy, science-fiction, and young adult. That being said, I am comfortable critiquing other genres such as non-fiction (and I’m not afraid to do my own research on your behalf).
My educational background is from four years at the University of Nevada Reno, where I earned a Bachelor's of Arts in Creative Writing and Literature. During that time, I spent the majority of my days in a damp, dimly lit building with some of the most influential professors that I had the opportunity to learn from. I workshopped with over two dozen classmates, exchanging manuscripts and critical feedback for years as we each grew in our knowledge and expression of it. Now, I meet bi-weekly with several other writers from across the country in order to further my lust for creativity and polish my own skills when it comes to writing and offering critique.
Four Services.
Endless Support.
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